Burrell Project Stories

A new approach

A wise man once said, ‘The only constant in life is change’ and change often brings about a better way of doing things. This idea has been applied to many of the displays here for you to explore.

Discover an incredible collection of rare and unique objects from across the globe, many of which are centuries old. A new approach to sharing the story behind these intriguing works of art will provide plenty of opportunities for you to interact with intricate tapestries, beautiful paintings, ancient ceramics and everything else that is on show.

Expect galleries that bring contemporary themes to life, beautiful films of local people working with the materials on show, fully immersive large scale projections that encourage you to look at things in a new way and hands on interactives that add an essential element of fun. Whether you pop in on your own, with little ones or a group of friends there will be a breath-taking range of displays to discover.  

For the first time in The Burrell, digital interpretation - short films, interactive displays and large-scale video installations - have been developed to complement and provide context for the Collection, bringing objects and their makers to life and giving you the chance to actively explore object making processes and discover hidden details.
David Digital Manager

Like all aspects of the redesign, you have helped shape what you’ll see, ensuring the displays are relevant, interesting and entertaining for all who come to the museum.

But you can have too much of a good thing.

Rest assured not everything has changed dramatically. Burrell holds a special place in many people’s heart. You told us what you loved most, what bits of the museum worked well and this influenced the final design. You’ll still find treasured features like ‘Walk in the Woods’ and be able to gaze in wonder at the stained glass gallery, experiencing the joy you did before, just with more to enjoy.

The stories behind the project

Read more from our series of bite-sized stories and discover how we have worked with the local community and conducted extensive visitor research to help create a world class, family-friendly museum.

Burrell Project Stories